My Life

Sunday, May 14, 2006

more stuff about *me*

i had my piano competition this weekend and that was in the middle of Bamma so mom thought since we're up there we might as well do something "fun" so we went to the DeSoto caverns. William's like messed up and he was all scared that the cave would cave in and stuff. or that we'd get lost. on top of that mom took us to see Horse Shoe Bend. it was a field. i could see a feild just like it in our town. we didn't need to go all the way out there to see it. and on top of that we had to walk like all around the stupid field. it was hot and boring and i hate nature. i'm not a natury person. it was in the middle of the country with all these shacks and trailers and churches. i swear i must have seen over 50 churches the entire trip. ugh. oh and the piano competition was ok. but i'm sooooo not going to win. the judge said "pretty good" after the bach, "good" after the Chopin, and "Wow. good job" after the Kabalevsky. i guess it's good it wasn't "wow, good, pretty good" but i'm sooooo not going to win. AND ON TOP OF THAT I'M PLAYING A GIG WITH THE GUY I'M MADLY IN LOVE WITH EVEN THOUGH WE'VE NEVER REALLY MET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm going to have to work so hard though. it's for this international conference of physcsists. what the heck are physicists anyways? i'm such a retard. oh and on the trip i learned cows had horns... i didn't know that... ok well gotta go


At 9:23 PM , Blogger Hobbes said...

Physicists study elements of the physical world, especially the very small (atoms) and the very large (the Universe).
Horseshoe Bend is very important in Alabama history!
And you sooooo did win!
Mrs. Weirsdo

At 11:47 AM , Blogger me said...

oh my god Nadir has atoms! and so do i!
HSB looked like a golf thingy.


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