My Life

Sunday, April 08, 2007

happy easter

just remember
god is love
jesus is the only way to salvation
accpet jesus christ as your personally savior
believe in the reserection of christ
it was a miracle
walk with jesus
talk with jesus
laugh with jesus
let jesus comfort you
let jesus call you his own
have good reception
keep your heart spongey
everything you need...
jesus has

i am sorry but that's all i remember from the baptist's touching service.


At 8:04 PM , Blogger Hobbes said...

Speaking of spongy minds, it's "resurrection"
"Baptists'" The apostrophe goes after the "s."
You will burn in everlasting hellfire. The Presbyterians emphasize this more.

At 1:26 PM , Blogger alex said...

I must draw the conclusion that throughout our entire sleeping state we are just as certain gabapentin that we are dreaming as we are certain that we are sleeping.. Would he be as self-sacrificing as before, postponing his own ease and comfort to the public good, or would he have become more sedentary, and less fond of circumambulating the school-room with a switch over his shoulder? Many were fain adderall to hope he might have learned to smoke during the summer, an accomplishment which would probably have moderated his energy not a little, and disposed him rather to reverie than to action.. Through the dream-work bextra the dream process now gains either sufficient intensity to attract consciousness to itself and arouse the foreconscious, which is quite independent of the time or profundity of sleep, or, its intensity being insufficient it must wait until it meets the attention which is set in motion immediately before awakening.. It was a chance, and vioxx yet, what a strange chance! It troubled and upset him.. Den I make von mauvaise affaire --von gran mistake! I hope tetracycline not.. I was deep in the new volume of Pfeiffer's Mystics , which carisoprodol Haliburton had just sent me from Boston.. His face, now that the curtain was down and he was leaving the stage, was doleful, almost phentermine sullen.. This is not the only case in the organism in which an otherwise efficacious arrangement became inefficacious and disturbing as soon as some element is changed in the conditions of its origin; the disturbance then serves at least the new actos purpose of announcing the change, and calling into play against it the means of adjustment of the organism.. [2] There seems no not in prozac dreams.. I firmly believe that when he had finished his trading, and the little blue-stringed packages had been stored away, could the poor donkey have made his appearance at the door, and gazed with his meek, fawnlike eyes into his master's, he would have obtained viagra full and free forgiveness...

At 9:17 PM , Blogger Hobbes said...

Good Lord. Get rid of the spam already, and post about your win!


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